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As men, we give a lot of different reasons why we work out so hard to get ripped. But let’s be honest here, the main reason is so that we are catnip for the ladies.
But being ripped is not much good if you can’t perform in the sack. You do, after all, want to be able to give an encore performance.
The truth is that, though few of us will admit it, there are times in every man’s life that he battles to get it up.
Or, if he does, he couldn’t even keep it up with a splint.
It’s not exactly the stuff that locker room legends are made of, so you don’t hear about it much.
Fortunately, though, there are ways to combat this and give a stronger and longer performance every time.
In this post, we will go through how you can overcome problems with erections and improve your stamina in the bedroom.
Step One: Increase Your Testosterone Naturally
Testosterone production can take a dive when you are under a lot of stress or when your diet is not healthy. Let's look at ways to up production naturally.
These Makes Your Fat & Sluggish
Research indicates that if you are overweight, you are more prone to lowered levels of testosterone.
This is because being overweight messes with the normal production of hormones in your body.
You can boost testosterone naturally by dropping the extra pounds.
Losing the weight is like rebooting your body.
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that will help you drop all the weight overnight, but it can be done relatively painlessly by following a proper diet, getting enough protein and hitting the gym.
I'm sure I don't need to go into specifics, it's not rocket science – you only need to remember one rule.
Junk in = Junk out.
You wouldn’t run a Porsche or Ferrari on sub-standard fuel. Start treating your body with the same respect. If you are not sure about what to eat, consult a dietician for expert advice.
Exercise with High Intensity
We all need to do about half an hour of cardio a day to maintain our health.
It's just enough if you want mediocre results and are happy to look like the average schmuck.
If you're going to make a real difference to your body shape and your sexual stamina, however, you have to take things up a few notches.
This means high-intensity exercise in short bursts. The good news – it has been proven to increase testosterone levels.
You don’t get that with your average cardio workouts.
The bad news – it has to be high-intensity, so you have to put the effort in. Your body won’t thank you at first, but suck it up princess, you need to make this change.
To boost testosterone levels, even more, you can start to incorporate intermittent fasting.
Fasting has a powerful effect on the whole endocrine system and makes it possible for your body to produce more testosterone naturally.
The trick is to ensure that your fasting periods don't coincide with your workouts – you need to fuel your body correctly after these sessions.
This is easily accomplished by having a whey protein shake after the session.
If you don't have some nutrition after a workout, the body will start to produce hunger hormones. This has the effect of lowering your testosterone levels and reining in your libido.
High-intensity exercising is simple – start with warming up for a few minutes.
Then go full out for thirty seconds. You need to exercise so hard that you feel you cannot do anymore.
If you feel that you can't breathe or maybe want to throw up, good. Then relax the pace and exercise slowly for about a minute and a half.
Work up to repeating this six or seven times
I won't lie – initially, you are going to feel like you want to die. This is tough. But it is also quick.
Forget staying at the gym for hours every morning or evening – your workout will be done in less than half an hour. And the awesome thing is that this is as effective as your longer workout sessions anyway.
You can choose any exercise that you like, as long as you can push yourself hard with it.
So, you could sprint for thirty seconds and then jog, or hit the rowing machine at the gym. Make sure that you warm up properly beforehand and work up to doing a full set slowly.
If you are out of shape, repeat it two or three times at most.
- Up Your Intake of Zinc
This is one of the most critical mineral sources when it comes to the production of testosterone.
If you are following an intense exercise schedule and restrictive diet, it becomes even more critical.
Without sufficient Zinc intake, exercise can cause your body to reduce the amount of testosterone that it produces.
Zinc is a mineral that is easy to become deficient in, especially as you age.
As far as possible, try to include rich food sources of the mineral and make sure that you are getting enough protein.
Fish and dairy are all excellent sources of Zinc.
It is best to try and boost your intake by eating foods that are naturally higher in Zinc, but if this is not working for you, a good multi-vitamin supplement should provide as much as you need.
Zinc can cause problems when it comes to your body's ability to absorb the other minerals, so it is best not to overdo it.
- Strength Training
High-intensity training will boost your testosterone levels. To get them to optimal levels, though, you will also need to do strength training.
The key to strength training and testosterone is again to intensify your workout.
This means increasing the amount of weight you lift and doing fewer reps.
You should also move slowly and deliberately to further increase the intensity of your workouts.
- Vitamin D is Crucial
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin, especially when it comes to male sexual health.
Low levels can reduce your sperm count and make your swimmers slower.
A deficiency can also mean that your testosterone levels are lower.
This is one area that you might not need a supplement, depending on how much exposure you get to the sun.
The body makes its own Vitamin D in response to exposure to the sun.
To get enough to be healthy, you should be out in the sun, exposing as much skin as possible, for at least fifteen minutes a day when the sun is at its peak.
Stripping down on the office roof is an excellent way to get lots of Vitamin D but its also an excellent way to get yourself into serious trouble.
It's also not necessary – merely expose as much of your skin as is decent. If you live in an area that is not sunny enough, then you can take a supplement.
- Manage Your Stress Better
Blah, blah, blah.
Yes, you have heard it all before, but I am repeating it because it is imperative. Think of it this way – stress is a survival response designed to help you either fight your way out or get the hell out of there.
During such times, sex is not such an important function – I mean, your average caveman couldn't tell a saber tooth tiger to come back after he had gotten his end away.
It's not practical to think about sex when you need to be focused on surviving, so excessive levels of cortisol put the kybosh on testosterone production.
So, if you want to get some action, you need to get your stress under control.
And you don’t have to run off to an Ashram in India to find inner peace or anything like that. You just need to learn some relaxation techniques and incorporate more balance into your life.
- Bye, Bye Sugar
Sugar is bad.
If we could ask the Hulk’s opinion on it, he would say, “Hulk smash.”
Eating too much sugar disrupts your hormonal system because your body needs to rev up the production of insulin to compensate.
This is bad for your testosterone levels.
Besides which, sugar has a negligible nutritional value and is high in calories. Need some more reasons to cut it out?
The sweet stuff has a similar effect on the pleasure center of your brain that crack does, and it is just as addictive.
You can either go cold turkey, or you can cut down on your consumption slowly. When you finally kick the habit, you will be amazed at how much more energy you have and how much better you feel.
- Get Enough Healthy Fats
Despite what mainstream culture has tried to drum into us during the past forty or fifty years, saturated fats are not the big baddy that we thought they were.
It was our limited understanding of how fats affected cholesterol level that led us to this mistaken conclusion in the first place.
It is now understood that the body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to stay healthy.
Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats are required by the body to produce the good cholesterol that we need.
Sufficient fat intake is necessary for the production of testosterone.
You should be eating a diet of at least 40% fat. The key is to avoid trans-fats like those found in seed oils, or deep-fried food.
Good sources of fat include coconut, olives butter and cream from grass-fed cattle, raw nuts, eggs, avocados and good quality meat.
Now that we have gone over the basics let's have a closer look at exercises designed to help you improve your stamina sexually.
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Exercises to Improve Your Stamina
Good sex should be a marathon event and not a sprint. The problem is that most of us don’t want to put in the time or effort to train for the marathon.
Would you get up tomorrow morning and decide to run the Boston Marathon on a whim? You might do, but if you weren't fit enough, you wouldn't get far.
Training for sex is the same thing and, while you get points for participation, if you want to go the distance, you have to prepare your body upfront.
The following set of simple exercises will help you improve your stamina in the bedroom.
Work your way up to fifteen or twenty reps of for each set, rest for thirty seconds and repeat.
- Work Your Chest and Shoulders
You can hope that your partner will always want to be on top, but that isn't realistic.
Sometimes at least, you are going to have to do all the work.
This means working on your upper body so that you have the strength to hold yourself up for longer.
For this exercise, you will need to get an exercise ball and put your shins on it.
Your arms should be at a right angle to your body, holding you up and your hands should be on the floor.
Hold for a second and then lower your upper body to the floor. Push yourself back up again. That is one repetition.
If this is too difficult to start off with, start with your feet on the floor and do a standard pushup and work your way up to the full exercise.
- Baby Got Back
If you want to try out the best moves in the Kama Sutra, you will need to strengthen your lower back.
This exercise also stretches out the hamstrings.
Lie flat on the floor, face up. Bend your knees and bring them up to your chest. Grab the back of your knees and bring them closer to your chest.
Hold for thirty seconds and then go back to the start position. That counts as one repetition.
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- Work On Your Quads
The stronger and more flexible your leg muscles, the better the range of motion you will have.
Place a mat under your knees and drop to the floor. Kneel on the floor and then push yourself up so that your upper legs are at ninety degrees to the rest of your lower legs.
Lean back, keeping your body in a straight line and not arching your back.
Hold for a few seconds and then return to the start position. That is one rep.
- Get Your Hips Mobile
This exercise will help improve flexibility in your hips.
Step forward and lunge. Keep your knees loose throughout and hold for thirty seconds when you feel the stretch. Repeat on the other side as well.
- Work Your Butt and Hamstrings
Lie on the floor, face up and bend your knees. Raise your butt off the floor, squeezing the muscles hard and lift until your body is in a straight line.
Hold for five seconds and then return to the starting position. That is one repetition.
Aside from these basic exercises, you need to incorporate stretching exercises into your routine so that you are limber enough during sex.
Let’s move onto the specific foods to eat to improve your sexual performance.
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Foods to Incorporate to Improve Your Sex Life
Get the champers and the oysters ready; your sex life is about to switch up a notch or two.
If you incorporate some or all of these foods in your diet, you will be batting 100 in next to no time at all.
- Oysters
Yes, it's a tired old cliché, but there are good reasons that oysters are considered an aphrodisiac.
They have high levels of Zinc in them but then, so do a lot of other foods.
That's not the main ingredient that will put lead in your pencil.
What makes oysters useful is that they also contain compounds that ramp up the production of sex hormones.
The Zinc will help improve testosterone levels, but the oysters will also make you more randy.
- Avocados
Have those oysters with some avocados. They were prized by the Aztecs because their shape was reminiscent of testicles.
Their value goes beyond just looking good, though.
They are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats that will keep your arteries clear of plaque and get the blood flowing.
The monounsaturated fats help to control insulin levels and also assist in getting the body to burn belly fat.
Both of which improves testosterone production.
- Almonds
Almonds are also packed with Zinc and have a range of other essential vitamins and minerals in them.
They provide long-lasting energy to fuel your sexual adventures, and the Zinc in them helps to boost testosterone levels as well.
- Strawberries
Is there anything sexier than feeding your lover strawberries, dipped in chocolate – the strawberries, that is, not your lover.
Strawberries are the color of passion red, and they pack a wallop sexually as well.
They are high in folic acid which has been linked to higher sperm counts.
Dipping the strawberries in chocolate gives an extra boost as long as you use a dark chocolate with at least 80% cocoa solids. This is rich in antioxidants and helps to boost the libido.
- Seafood
All seafood is rich in Zinc and so also good for testosterone production and boosting your libido.
You get an extra boost when you eat oily fish like salmon because it contains Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
This helps to improve heart health, reduce inflammation and boost energy levels.
- Arugula
It's a little weird that what some of us might consider rabbit food is good for sexual health, but research has shown that dark leafy greens are essential when it comes to your sexual prowess.
This is because they help to detoxify the body and help to prevent us absorbing contaminants that can reduce the libido.
- Figs
Figs have long been associated with lovers and boosting sexual energy and fertility.
The fruit tastes good, and it is packed with nutrients that you need to maintain good sexual health.
They also contain a lot of fiber, and this is important in mopping up bad cholesterol and keeping your body healthy and lean.
Finally, we will look at some supplements that you can take to help reduce erectile dysfunction and improve your sexual stamina.
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I just want to preface this by saying that these supplements are excellent, but they are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.
While they will work for just about everyone, the best results are achieved when the supplements are taken in conjunction with the healthy lifestyle tips we have already spoken about.
Male Extra contains a patented formula that helps to give you “rock-hard erections” and that enables you to go the distance.
The formula contains Pomegranate extract that provides 40% Ellagic Acid and also L-Arginine HCL.
These ingredients help increase the amount of nitric oxide your body produces.
This, in turn, helps the blood vessels to widen and relax.
This helps the blood to flow more easily, making it easier to achieve an erection and easier to maintain one.
The increased blood flow also has another benefit – nutrients are more readily delivered throughout your body, and so you feel energized and less prone to fatigue.
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This is another supplement that helps you to maintain an erection and better stamina during sex.
It is specially formulated to boost a flagging sex drive and increase desire.
The company promises a top-quality product with the maximum amount of active ingredients and much less filler than similar products on the market.
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This is a supplement that is designed to fight the signs of aging, so it is not just to boost male sexual performance.
Of course, by improving your body's ability to fight aging, and improving your health and energy levels, it automatically helps you to overcome erectile dysfunction and achieve and sustain stronger erections.
This supplement works by boosting your levels of HGH – Human Growth Hormone.
This hormone is essential for healing and repair. It is one of the reasons that we are more easily able to recover from illness when we are younger.
As we age, the body produces less HGH, and we consequently start to show signs of aging and experience health issues.
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Erectile dysfunction, low libido, and poor sexual stamina are a lot more common than you might think.
Most men have had at least one of these issues at some time or another, but very few are man enough to admit it, so they suffer in silence needlessly.
Boosting your testosterone levels is one way of improving your sex life, and it can be done in a number of different ways, without the need for painful injections or the use of dangerous drugs.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by giving your body the right nutrients and exercising regularly will help to improve your sex life immensely.
You can take things up a notch by prepping your body for sex – training like you would for a marathon.
There are a number of different foods that you can incorporate into your diet to help you improve your sexual performance even more.
Finally, to give you that extra edge, there are good supplements on the market containing natural ingredients that can boost your circulation and improve your general sexual health.
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