There are so many male enhancement pills on the market that sometimes it can feel so frustrating choosing just one.
If you feel lost and uncertain which one to choose, don’t rush and take just any. Unfortunately, not all are safe for use.
However, Male-extra pills are unique, one of a kind, an innovative formula that will increase the satisfaction of every man, and consequently women, in the bedroom.
They have helped many people over the years without causing any harm to the male health. There are several factors that prove that Male extra pills are the right solution to your problem.
Significant increase in inches
With regular, everyday use of Male-extra pills, you will notice the growth of your penis. For the first three months of use, it can be longer up to 0.8 inches.
After six months of regular use, you can enjoy a 2,6 longer penis. No other pill can give you that. The secret of their success lies in the ingredients directed toward increasing the blood flow.
Natural ingredients
The discovery of so many positive effects of pomegranate has led to developing Male-extra pill. Daily intake of pomegranate juice can increase the blood flow up to 17%.
It also reduces fatigue and prolongs the endurance. This is why pomegranate is one of the main ingredients and there are 500mg of pomegranate ellagic acid that helps the user to stay erect longer and impress the partner in the bedroom.
Unique formula
Pomegranate combined with L-Arginine HCL amino acid has the ability to prevent erectile dysfunction in just a month of use.
Significant improvement can be seen after 6 weeks of continuous use in maintaining an erection and improving sexual performance. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane is responsible for maintaining the health of the tissue, including the one in your private parts.
Healthy tissue equals healthy erection. L-Methionine plays a major role in the ability to ejaculate, but also to delay it and last longer. Zinc is very important for maintaining normal testosterone levels and having a healthy libido. Cordyceps is an aphrodisiac.
Its intake significantly increases the sexual desire and also enables much harder erections. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, helps with maintaining the erection by enabling blood vessels to expand and relax.
No side-effects
Since the ingredients are natural with no excess components, your body will receive the boost you need without experiencing any side-effects.
You will feel that you have more energy, your endurance will be better, the erections will be harder, so you don’t have to worry about pleasing your partner at all.
By taking it regularly, you will start enjoying positive effects in a short amount of time, not having to wait forever before the first signs of improvement.
Many satisfied customers
Male extra pills are not new on the market. They are present for more than nine years and for that period of time, there were numerous couples that have taken their sexual pleasure to a new level by making the erections longer, more than 150,000.
Male extra pills are safe for prolonged use and it will provide you what you need to regain your strength and make you a winner in the bedroom, but remember, irregular use can decrease its efficiency.
Take them regularly, so you can bring your body to the balance it needs for great sex and unforgettable orgasms. Many satisfied customers guarantee its effectiveness and you will be happy you chose to buy them over any other male enhancement pill.